Want to share your tuning with the Chromaplane community?
Make a tuning on this website, then copy and paste your URL in the field below.
Press submit, and we'll be sure to take a listen. Don't forget to give your tuning a name too.
We'll select our favorite tunings and update this website to include them.
We've received your tuning submission, thank you for your contribution!
Circular 1 Circular 2 Circular 3 Circular 4 Circular 5Horizontal
Horizontal 1 Horizontal 2 Horizontal 3 Horizontal 4 Horizontal 5Around the World
Miyako-Bushi Sho Bihag Hardanger KlezmerComposer Inspired
Pärt Reich Debussy Scriabin StravinskyIntervalic
Whole Tone Quartal Quintal Augmented DiminishedModal
Dorian Lydian Mixolydian Phyrigian Mode MixingContribute a Tuning
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